> surreyLIVING :: General :: > A3 closing for Hindhead improvement
A3 closing for Hindhead improvement - Posted By Jamie Stuart (jamie) on 27th Mar 09 at 11:22am
Try and avoid the A3 at all costs if you're travelling out this weekend as a section of the A3, south of Hindhead Crossroads is going to be closed and traffic diverted through Waverley, Guildford and Hampshire. It'll remain closed over the weekend (March 27-30th 2009). The road is closing tonight at 10pm and will re-open on Monday at 5am. Surrey county council have provided these diversions:
- From the north, traffic will be directed to leave the A3 at the Hogsback and follow the A31 and the A325 (Coxbridge Roundabout) to rejoin the A3 at Gratham in Hampshire.
- The same route will be signposted from the south. Any southbound traffic that misses the diversion at the A31, will be directed to u-turn at both Milford and Thursley.
- Any southbound traffic that reaches Hindhead will be directed to use the A287 to Farnham, then join the A325 main diversion route just south of Wrecclesham.