> surreyLIVING :: Theatres :: > Surrey Theatres - 2009 alternative to West End
Surrey Theatres - 2009 alternative to West End - Posted By MadSurrey (123456) on 22nd Feb 09 at 11:15pm
2009 will be tough on culture in Surrey. How will the local community support local theatres?
We here in Surrey create amazing events for a fraction of the West End price and it is right on your doorstep so there is no need to stand for 30 minutes in that overcrowded train.
MOTHER'S DAY London vs. Surrey
If you're thinking about taking your mum for a West End Night Out for Mothers Day you may end up easily with a bill over £400 for four. This will be nice but forget about an amazing experience. A medium rated restaurant, medium rated play and definitely overcrowded train on the way back (possibly delays or bus replacement as this is Sunday their favourite day for South West Trains to offer you a bus!
So apart from possible journey discomforts how do these two options look from financial point of view?
~£15 each for train tickets - ~£60
~£40 each theatre ticket (sensible seats and pre-show drink) - ~£160
~£40 each three course dinner with wine (average restaurant) - ~£160
~£10 for taxi back home from the station
London ~£390
Do it in the Surrey Heartland - Guildford and you can forget about the travelcard (you can use the car - free evening car parking or train from for example Woking costs fraction of the travel card)
~£5 each for all transport - ~£20
~£15 each theatre ticket (great seats with pre-show drink) - ~£60
~£30 each three course diner with wine (very good restaurant) - ~£120
Surrey ~£200
The only disadvantage we spot is that one person in the Surrey option must stay sober (max one small glass of wine) in order to drive and save money on tickets and taxis.
We based our survey on the following family of four - all over 18yo living in Woking traveling on Saturday/Sunday in March 2009 (please note most of the shows are not available on Sundays):
London: Alloro Restaurant, Drury Lane Theatre, SWT
Guildford: Olivetto Restaurant, Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Own Car
The choice is yours
Please give us a feedback regarding theatres in Surrey
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