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Students steal the show at Mayford Grange
(Posted On: Mon 14th Dec 2009 at 11:45)
With solo performances, self-penned numbers and a range of accompanying music, the one off show at Mayford Grange by performing arts students from the Orpheus Centre proved a big hit.

And donations from the appreciative audience helped boost the total handed to the charity by the care village.

Mayford Grange, Surrey’s newest care village on the outskirts of Woking, has pledged support to The Orpheus Centre in Godstone – a performing arts centre for young disabled adults. The village, which opened in September, has already contributed £600 to the Centre and, with more fund raising activities in the pipeline, that figure is set to climb in the future.

As a thank you for the on-going support, students from the Centre gave a special concert at the village for residents, staff and guests. Stephen Rann was just one the show’s soloists – performing a song he wrote himself called ‘Dad’.

“The show was very moving and beautifully put together by the students who are incredibly talented,” said Sarah Burgess, Sales and Marketing Director for Retirement Villages Ltd, developers of Mayford Grange. “We are delighted to have forged links with the Centre which provides the perfect platform for the talent and enthusiasm these students display. I know the money we are presenting to the Centre will be put to good use helping its work continue in the future.”

Sarah used the show as an opportunity to present the students with a cheque for £600.

Paul Margrave, Outreach Coordinator from the Orpheus Centre, said: “Performances such as the one at Mayford Grange are an essential part of the learning programme at The Orpheus Centre. They give our students the chance to perform to live audiences and allow us to celebrate the amazing achievements of our students. Mayford Grange has been fantastic in its ongoing support and we were thrilled to have the chance to perform at the stunning new village.”

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