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Surrey Online

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Logging In (16th Feb 09 at 11:45am UTC)
When not logged in, all surrey-online pages include a login bar along the top of the page, just below the logo. To login, all you have to do is enter your username and password. For some of you this will be a username and password you picked yourselves. For others it will be one generated and sent to you while adding your business to our directory.


Another log in form is shown at the bottom of the main forum page. It acceptes the username and password in the same way but also enable you to choose how long you wish to stay logged in for. This is particually useful if using a shared pc, such as a public one. If you are using a public PC and do not login using this form then it is advised that you logout once you're ready to leave. This is done by clicking a "Logout" button in the menu bar.

If you forget your password then you can have a new one emailed to you using the "Reset Password" feature. You can change your password (once logged in) by going to your modify profile page (Click "Profile" in the menu above and then choose "Modify Profile" on the next page). Once here, enter your current password and what you want to change it to in the appropriate fields (current password needs to be entered once, the new password should be entered twice). Once you have entered your passwords scroll to the bottom of the page and use the "Modify Profile" button to save the new password.
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