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Surrey Online

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Starting a Topic (16th Feb 09 at 12:19pm UTC)
To start a topic we need to first decide which "Board" the topic should be started in. We're going to start our topic in the General Board.

So we're going to enter the General Board and click the "New Topic" button, this button is located to the top right of existing topics:


Subject (Required)
This is the title of your topic. It is used in the topic listing so needs to catch the attention of those who would be interested.

Description (Optional)
This is an optional description about your message. It should sum up what your message is about.

Message (Required)
Probably the most important part. Your message is the content which other users read. It can be formatted using the buttons above the message area in a similar way to using word processors such as Microsoft Word or OpenOffice.

Inserting Links
This short clip shows how to create a text link within your message (4M). Most other formatting works in a similar way.

Check Spelling
This short clip shows how to use the built in spell checker feature (2.5M)
Or view the Lower Quality Flash Version:

Once everything is done and you're ready to post your topic for others to read and reply to then click the "Post Message" button at the bottom of the form. You can come back and mofiy your message afterwards if you want to.

Click here to download a clip of posting our example topic being posted (17M) or view the flash version here:

Now, lets visit the topic we've created (and post a reply to introduce yourself) here: Welcome to Surrey-Online
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