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Just wanted to give this company a bit of a plug as they have done a fantastic job on my varifocal glasses.

I live in Elstead, near Farnham and found this company in a local online business directory. I couldn't afford the price of some new Zeiss varifocals at my opticians so I searched online. I wanted to use my current frame as there was nothing wrong with it and they cost me a small fortune. I called the company and spoke to a very helpful chap by the name of Matt. He gave me a quote for the lenses which was more than half the price of what my optician quoted me. They sent someone round to my house to collect the frame as I'm housebound. I then waited 8 days before they arrived back in the post. They are superb, much clearer than my old lenses and they came with the Zeiss authenticity card and guarantee. I'm so impressed with this service that I've treated my wife to a new pair of glasses, which they are making for her at the moment. Anyway, just want to say a big thanks to Matt and his team for the excellent service (and price) they provided.

Here is their webiste: - but you can just call them on the phone if you are like me and prefer to do things the old fashioned way!
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