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Wanted: Staff bull terrier dog hire for TV shoots (4th Jun 14 at 4:56pm UTC)

I'm an Assistant Producer looking for a staff bull terrier and handler for two TV shoots I am working on next week. The shoots are for a popular programme, in its second series.

We'll need the Staffie for around two-three hours, spread across two days, so around three to four hours in total.

The first shoot will take place on Tuesday 10th June in Greenwich and Wednesday 11th June in Sutton.

We will pay you £120 in total and we can cover any travel costs. We'll pay cash.

Most importantly, the dog needs to be well-behaved and very placid, as he / she will be in scenes on a lead with our actors. The old the dog, the better.

Please give me a call on 07525630846 if you can help.

Many thanks

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