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The Surrey Scene (19th Aug 09 at 5:20pm UTC)
Volunteer local live music reviewers wanted
The Surrey Scene, a brand new music website covering local bands and music is about to launch and we're looking for volunteer writers to prepare features, review live gigs, and get the latest unsigned band news and interviews in the Surrey area.

You'll be passionate about local music and will enjoy watching the best bands your area has to offer. If you're worth your salt you'll also get interviews with the bands, music venue managers, and write some great copy for the website, helping to make The Surrey Scene the first stop for anyone keen on what Surrey has to offer musically. 

Unfortunately, we can't pay you, but we really want to make the website a success and we need your help. Besides, if nothing else it'll be great experience for any budding music journalists out there. So, if you're interested, tell us what area of Surrey you'd like to cover and send us a 200 word live music review (it doesn't have to be a review of a local band in this instance). If we like what we see you'll become a valuable part of the team here at The Surrey Scene.

Email us at:
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