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Growing share of Asia in world tourism and subsequ (23rd Aug 09 at 10:37am UTC)
The share of Asia in world tourism was rather small in the 1980s as is evident from the statistics depicting the worldwide tourist arrivals in percentage terms in the year 1982. Few people actually wanted to visit this continent because of the myriad range of problems faced by the people of this continent. Not only that, world class tourism facilities available only at higher costs.

It may be noted that about 90 percent of all tourist arrivals in those times got confined to the two continents of America and Europe. In other words Asia received a microscopic minority of the international tourist arrivals. But an in depth study of tourism developments in South and South East Asia reveals that international tourism is gathering momentum and strength in these regions in present times.

The rapid growth of international tourism in Asia has a great significance for India. The growing prosperity in Asia because of the increasing tourist receipts has led to greater contributions to Indian tourism. In fact Asia is among the principal tourist generating markets for India. Of course, after Western Europe it is evident that Asia is emerging as a major tourist center due to the increase in the number of tourists visiting the emerging economic powers of India and China.

The rise in the number of people visiting Kerala is due to the increasing exposure gained by this state in overseas destinations. Among the southern states in India only the state of Kerala has such an enormous number of people working in overseas destinations. In the gulf countries scores of skilled and unskilled laborers from the state have made it big and are now part of the desert landscape. Almost all the flights to and from the gulf countries are packed during all seasons of the year.

In Kerala backwater tourism is now an instant hit. This form of tourism had its humble beginnings only a few years ago. After beach tourism, backwater tourism is now a major foreign exchange earner for the state. Proper marketing has led to major changes in the otherwise lazy central Kerala region. The tourism lobby is now active in the backwaters like never before.
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