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Craig Montgomery's Labour Manifesto (16th Apr 10 at 9:50am UTC)
Labour candidate for Epsom & Ewell Craig Montgomery
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In the international downturn, we have had to make a number of difficult choices. In 2007, many were predicting a 1930s-style depression, but Labour’s decisions to bail out the banks, support the economy to save people’s jobs and work with other countries to take concerted action have ensured that the UK economy is now growing faster than almost any other G7 economy. We do not need to guess what David Cameron would have done, because we know – he opposed us every step of the way.

Last week, I spoke to an Epsom newsagent for whom Labour’s VAT cut made the difference between her staying in business and closing-up. David Cameron said it was a waste of money, but tell that to the local people who work in that shop or the local businesses that supply that shop or the hundreds of other businesses in the same position. Thanks to our actions, unemployment and house repossessions were this time half what they were in the early 1990s.

We are not out of the woods yet. Every G20 government agrees that we must continue to support the economy to secure the recovery, rather than introduce tax breaks and immediate spending cuts, as the Tories have pledged. Only when the recovery is secured, will there have to be cuts, and tax rises for those who can afford it. Our manifesto sets out a detailed plan to halve the deficit by 2014.

Public services are also safer with Labour. I am a governor of a primary school in a deprived area and when I see the investment that has gone into those children’s education and compare it to the leaking roofs, mobile classrooms and underpaid teachers I saw when I was at school in the 1980s, the difference could not be starker.

Millions of people’s lives are measurably better now than they were in 1997: from the worker who earns a living wage, rather than £1 per hour, to the pensioner who receives up to £400 a year in winter fuel payments, the parents who rely on their local Sure Start Children’s Centre and the NHS patient who waits weeks rather than months and years for NHS treatment.

We would build on this, but David Cameron’s first priority is a £200,000 tax break for the 3,000 richest estates.

My manifesto for Epsom sets out a bold vision of a future fair for all. I will support jobs and businesses to secure the recovery; fight for affordable housing – whether for low income families or young people who struggle to afford their own place; and improve public transport as part of our commitment to tackle climate change.

In these uncertain times, no-one knows exactly what challenges the next four years will bring, so elect a government whose instincts you trust. This is a two-horse race and the Tories are a change you can’t afford.

For more details or to contact me, please visit

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