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Using Vacuum Cleaner
Bålfat (31st Jul 21 at 4:37pm UTC)

If you’re a homeowner wrestling with a profusion of dust mites, Vacuums 360 wants you to know that your vacuum is the key to thwarting this unpleasant problem.

Dust in the home is composed largely of tiny particles of human skin. Dust mites are living organisms that feed on this skin, but they are not parasites. Dust mites do not bite people, they only eat skin cells that have been shed.

Since you can’t see them and they don’t bite you, you may wonder why anyone would be concerned about dust mites. Outside of the unsettling thought of living creatures in your home feasting on your shed skin cells, the main reason homeowners battle dust mites is due to allergies. A dust mite allergy can cause sneezing, congestion, coughing, wheezing, itchy eyes and more.

A test at the allergist can reveal whether you have a dust mite allergy. If you do, vacuuming will become a chore you perform frequently in order to stay healthy.
Dust Mite Locations

Before pulling out the vacuum, it’s important to think about where dust mites are in your home. Since they are microscopic, you won’t be able to see them. However, because dust mites prefer soft surfaces over hard, they tend to congregate in areas such as mattresses, upholstered furniture, carpeting and curtains.

When you vacuum, it’s always best to clean all hard and soft surfaces, but for dust mite issues, try to give special attention to soft surfaces by using the smaller vacuum attachments to clean your furniture and drapes.

To help combat your dust mite allergy, clean washable items in your home such as cushion covers, blankets, pet bedding and other like items in the washer on the hot cycle.
Removing Dust Mites from Vacuum

With a dust mite allergy, you will want to empty your vacuum frequently so that the dust mites do not remain in your home, and so that they do not escape from the vacuum and re-infest your furniture and bedding.

We recommend emptying your vacuum outside if your bag is not sealed naturally.
Depend on Vacuums 360

At Vacuums 360, we offer not only a huge range of vacuum options, from Dyson and Oreck vacuums to Shark, Miele and numerous others, but also vacuum cleaner repair and service for clients throughout Utah, plus tips on vacuum usage.

For more information on how to use your vacuum as a primary tool in fighting dust mites, or to learn about any of our vacuum repair or vacuum cleaner services in Salt Lake City or other parts of Utah, speak to the staff at Vacuums 360 today.
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