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Oxfam is looking for Constituency Campaigners (9th Aug 13 at 9:31am UTC)
Are you passionate about politics and international development? Always dreamed of becoming a grassroots lobbyist? Do you want to gain invaluable skills in political influencing and help Oxfam change people’s lives?

Oxfam in London and the South East of England is recruiting Constituency Campaigners! This is a structured volunteer programme open to anyone who shares our values and wants to see the end of global poverty.

Our Constituency Lobbyists help demonstrate public support for crucial issues by raising Oxfam’s concerns with politicians in their area. Oxfam offers you the training, resources and support that you need to become an effective influencer. All we require is enthusiasm and a genuine commitment to campaigning on issues that directly impact on people living in poverty.

You will have an opportunity to directly engage with your local MP, councillors and MEPs on issues such as land rights, climate change and tax dodging, as well as all other poverty-related problems you feel passionate about.

Constituency Campaigners are an integral part of Oxfam campaigns because of their enormous political potential. They write to and meet their MP, organise private lobby meetings and hold public events involving a variety of other decision-makers, such as Members of the European Parliament and councillors.

At Oxfam we don’t wait for others to make change happen - we make it happen, every day, in over 100 countries around the world. Local grassroots activism is at the heart of that change. As a Constituency Campaigner you will embark on an exciting journey working for issues of global significance, simultaneously learning about political influencing and community organising. Don’t waste your talent!

Find out more here:

To apply go to

Please send the application form to Katrina Gajevska at

Closing date: 20 September 2013

Interviews will be by telephone. Successful applicants will be required to attend a day of induction training on Saturday the 26 October in London (to be confirmed).
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