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Surbiton Station & Harry Potter latest movie
(Posted On: Wed 08th Jul 2009 at 13:51)
It looks like in the last Harry Potter movie they have made Harry Potter a stereotypical London commuter. The first time we meet the young chap this time, he is in a cafe at the station.
This explains everything, the 2009 downturn and the credit crunch. I bet he worked for RBS or Lehman in the City as an analysis for a nice £1m (in the meantime he did 100bn on "funny magical" transactions). Then in 2007 he broke his magic wand and since then instead of proper analytical magician job he just made all numbers up. Then he tried this spell which instead of sending him to his millionaire's mansion in Hogwarts took him to No 11.
This is what it is instead of proper magician like Malfoy we have at number 11 a Muggle with no wand at all.
Have fun
You will find a better Harry Potter movie review here

Ross McLellan
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Re: Surbiton Station & Harry Potter latest m..
(Posted On: Mon 20th Jul 2009 at 18:45)
Haha, bit of a weird Metaphor there MadSurrey but a pretty funny one {Grin}

I went to see this over the weekend and was generally pleased with it - some very good and fun scenes. I went to the VUE Cinema at Staines where it was absolutely packed - we only just managed to get tickets and good seats. I felt it was a little bit of an anti-climax at the end and was a bit disappointed since they cut out my two favourite parts of the book but I suspect they had their reasons for doing it this way. I heard they're splitting the next book into two films, will be interesting to see how they do it as from my mind I can't see a natural split {Unsure}

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Re: Surbiton Station & Harry Potter latest movie
(Posted On: Thu 02nd Sep 2010 at 18:43)
It looks like in the last Harry Potter movie they have made Harry Potter a stereotypical London commuter. The first time we meet the young chap this time, he is in a cafe at the station.
This explains everything, the 2009 downturn and the credit crunch. I bet he worked for RBS or Lehman in the City as an analysis for a nice £1m (in the meantime he did 100bn on "funny magical" transactions). Then in 2007 he broke his magic wand and since then instead of proper analytical magician job he just made all numbers up. Then he tried this spell which instead of sending him to his millionaire's mansion in Hogwarts took him to No 11.
This is what it is instead of proper magician like Malfoy we have at number 11 a Muggle with no wand at all.
Have fun
You will find a better Harry Potter movie review here

After this review I think I am going to have to go an see the film god damn it! lol

Seems like they brought some reality to the film which is always nice and makes a change from the usual magic and broomsticks!
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