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New way of getting to and from Surrey restaurants (14th Sep 09 at 9:30pm UTC) - cheaper than a return taxi.
Hi, i just wanted to make the users of this forum aware of a great service based in Surrey to make it easier for people to get to and from nice pubs and restaurants, especially in remote areas: It allows you the freedom to travel to and from a night out or a dinner party in your own vehicle and to still enjoy a few drinks. At the end of the night a scoot2boot chauffeur arrrives to meet you on a folding scooter which fits in the boot of your car in a protective bag. You are then driven safely home. The chauffeur then unpacks his scooter and heads off to the next job. It's a great service and costs just slightly more than a one way cab journey. In the morning you've got your car outside your home, ready for use.
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Re: New way of getting to and from Surrey restau.. (7th Oct 09 at 9:52am UTC)

I look for restaurants on {Grin}


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Re: New way of getting to and from Surrey restau.. (24th Jun 13 at 8:32am UTC)
I love visiting London Darbar - the restaurant. It a perfect Indian restaurant offering top quality cuisine with top notch services. I really like having my evening supper out there.
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