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to vote or not to vote? (21st May 09 at 1:25pm UTC)
Does anyone see the point of voting in this years elections? I still see no good reason why any party should get my vote. Who else won't be voting?
Stuart Lawrence

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Re: to vote or not to vote? (28th May 09 at 12:23pm UTC)
Voting is your right. Voting is your freedom.

When it comes to voting you should give the party you're voting for a back seat. It's WHO you're voting for. What do they personally represent the notion of doing? How strong are they as a person to push that through the systems?

If it is your feeling that none of the candidates deserve your vote, then you at least have the choice of voting for someone who is not the person you would like to least be the elect.

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Re: to vote or not to vote? (28th May 09 at 1:36pm UTC)
I'm waiting for a 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' option before I set foot back in a General Election voting booth.
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Re: to vote or not to vote? (28th May 09 at 7:40pm UTC)
I tell you what guys - these local elections are crap. Only in certain areas in the UK they make some sense as there are party not local candidates there.
In countries like Switzerland (Federal countries - a lot of power on the local level) local are the most important elections of them all.
I mean people/candidates there earn their position over the years based on organic results rather than party memberships. What counts is a constructive programme - not a political programme - mumbling (no one cares about politics). I mean candidate programme equals action plan - schedule. What and when will be achieved. No one cares what is the party name behind particular person. People vote for their new school, street lamps or against blocked drain in their local park as this is what candidates promise to fix or build or take care of during next few years. The most popular community ideas win elections. This is great as in elections people appoint executors of particular mass idea rather then representatives. I think we are here free people we do not need representatives on local level - do we? What a sick idea to elect representatives on the local level if you have a tool like referendum for example. I hope we will soon have a "red button" option on our TV RC to actively take part in local council debate about next year investment in our local school or new road development.

Anyway - Please do go to elections, vote for your street not for candidates.
I know this is difficult as they still mumbling some stupid things about: working together towards better future of our beautiful town.
Instead of something like that 
...apart from all necessary works which are required this year I am planing to enforce building one new school in the town and 20 ramps for wheelchairs in following locations. I already talk to Ms Smith (candidate no 12) and Mr McDowell (candidate no 8) if they get elected three of us will be working on these project trying to put these projects through legislation to be finished by May 2010 - next year I will vote in favour of two line bridge in our town (this year this is impossible as we need 9 months of public consultation and new budget) there is general agreement between candidates 8,10,15 and 14 on that matter. My proposal regarding budget for this investment will be generated from three sources: central government (40%), Local agencies (40%), Car park fees (20%). In my project fees are going to be introduced in Towns A,B,C later this year. I chose these towns because they are the biggest contributors to traffic on this bridge and they will benefit from this investment.
How easy - am I elected :-). No! - not easy at all. What if I do nothing towards my promises my brochure is online people are not going to vote next time if I do nothing.
Of course this sort of simple brochures should be posted with profile of your local candidate to your door - pictures and parties, logos not the most important bits - just facts please. No way - forget this - this would be clear and transparent so instead of that programme I had in my post last week general crap: Smiling faces of the party leaders. Tory better than Labour. Liberal Democrats still on the fence.
Our Parties learnt nothing from Obama08 lesson they still in XX century regarding politics - what a shame.  
Stuart Lawrence

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Re: to vote or not to vote? (29th May 09 at 7:35am UTC)
I'm waiting for a 'NONE OF THE ABOVE' option before I set foot back in a General Election voting booth.

Good thing these aren't general elections then... See you on voting day.
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Re: to vote or not to vote? (29th May 09 at 9:43pm UTC)
Everyone should vote, regardless of how poor the choices are.  There are many people in the world still fighting for the right to vote and to live in a society where they will not be killed for expressing their views about those in power.  
If you don't vote, nothing changes and you have absolutely NO RIGHTS to complain about the political system or those in power because you have removed yourself from our free society.  

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Re: to vote or not to vote? (30th May 09 at 9:26am UTC)
I have posted stuff about the Lib Dems on the other thread.

I will come back and join in this debate but for now I have to go knocking on doors.

John Doran
Liberal Democrat County Councillor for Horsell
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Re: to vote or not to vote? (30th May 09 at 11:35am UTC)
I wish I could talk to my local candidates while they cruising village knocking from door to door. It never happened here in Otlandds.I vote third time in raw for LibDem here only because I have just two more options Tory and Labour. But to be honest I haven't see the guy I am voting for. next time if this will happend I'm going to vote but I will cross all candidates not valid but vote.
Well done John I bet in your constituency thenks to door-to-door work LibDems have more then 3% votes.

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Re: to vote or not to vote? (30th May 09 at 4:59pm UTC)
Unfortunately Surreyguide in your area (I assume you mean Oatlands near Walton) they weigh the Tory votes. Because of the daft electoral system we have, the Tories don't need to try (and it shows) while we (Lib Dems) have to target our resources where we think we have a chance. If you send me a private message about where you live I will make sure our candidate contacts you.

To others on here tempted not to vote please remember Surrey is virtually a one party state. There are 59 Tories, 12 Lib Dems, 8 Ratepayers and 2 Labour. We need a much stronger LD presence to make this dysfunctional council answerable to voters. We hope to win over 20 seats this time. Labour will almost certainly be wiped out.

John Doran
Liberal Democrat County Councillor for Horsell
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Re: to vote or not to vote? (31st May 09 at 12:57am UTC)
John, I sent quite a long PM. You can reply openly please just do not mention private details/circumstances

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Re: to vote or not to vote? (31st May 09 at 2:39pm UTC)
John, I sent quite a long PM. You can reply openly please just do not mention private details/circumstances

Sorry surreyguide I didn't receive anything.

John Doran
Liberal Democrat County Councillor for Horsell
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Re: to vote or not to vote? (26th Jun 09 at 5:02pm UTC)
I just checked this PM diseapeared. {Angry}
What a shame. I voted for LibDems this time but I am happy to hear something from you as couple of things were not clear for me
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Re: to vote or not to vote? (18th Sep 09 at 11:08am UTC)
Howdy neighbours,
It is indeed heartening to see that around the country the state of democracy in Britain is the active concern of so many of we voters.
Speaking for myself. I wish that NO sitting member or their party should get re-elected; to that end I begin with..
"Vote for option 4 or more."
That life is now anything but cosy outside parliament so it should not be cosy anymore inside parliament. It is crucial that as many as are able DO vote at the next general election. I urge that there be a rise in Independents in the next parliament BUT most of all that we should not return to 'business as usual'.
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Re: to vote or not to vote? (27th Sep 09 at 10:47am UTC)
Who knows; the fact that there is a general election on the cards in a few short months may get to you all soon enough.
I read that one of the unelected New-Labour cabinet members who sits for life in the House of Lords would offer his expertise to a Conservative administration, should such a folly come to pass.
Are there really no smaller partys or local Independents that offer you hope?
Many in Surrey are not voting;
Surrey East...33.4% No shows.
Surrey Heath....37.1% No shows.
Surret SW....28.2% No shows.
At the 2005 general election.
We the people can do better than this, I hope.
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Re: to vote or not to vote? (22nd Jan 10 at 9:39am UTC)
Hello John,
How are things now, so close to a general election? The Lib-Dems do themselves no favours by being wimpish. This was all too true until PMQs on Wednesday when Clegg, at long last, found something to shout about.
At this next election, I suspect, few right-minded habitual voters can continue happily with their usual trust in either the Red or the Blue. If the Lib-Dems cannot capitalise on the disaray of these partys and the distrust the public has in them both the field will be open for a Local Independent to come forward to take the voice of the good people of Surrey to Westminster.
P.S. All, even a little unhappy with the way Politics works at present, can vote now to change things by searching out the power2010 site. There all can vote for any of the options for Political Reform. A list of which will be put to every PPC for each to back or back away from. Politics is just too important to be left to the usual suspects. If you each want your say on the future of politics in Britain you could begin today.
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Re: to vote or not to vote? (11th Feb 10 at 12:24pm UTC)
Dear readers,
Could I ask you please to visit the power2010 site to vote on the options you would like to be put to all Prospective Parliamentary Candidates at the next General Election. The voting concludes on Feb.22nd.
We--the--people should start now to get serious with the issues and the Players involved.
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Re: to vote or not to vote? (12th Feb 10 at 12:18pm UTC)
Darlings. Perhaps this will help...

There is much background to read about on the site, there are numerous blogs too on many of the issues about the future of our Democracy.
One slight word of warning; If you were to read through the blogs you will see a fair bit of me. Writing both as 'Oudeis' and later under my real name, 'Tom Austin'.

The link below takes you directly to the voting page....

This link will take you to the 'homepage', where you can take yourself off to the blogs etc.

Please, all, do let others know. Thank you.
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Re: to vote or not to vote? (28th Feb 10 at 10:30am UTC)
Good morning neighbours,
Should you hanker for information on quite what your neighbours are thinking about with regard to all things Political and wonder too what part you can play as an elector without party affiliation?
Wonder no more. Come and join with others in your constituency to work out what is best for you all and who should have your vote this time around. Join them here...
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