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Kingston Bridge Closed for Several Hours (18th Apr 09 at 10:56pm UTC)
Earlier this afternoon, a fatal accident took place on Kingston Bridge - this may have been of criminal nature, but we are not sure about this.
Kingston Bridge was closed for traffic and pedestrians for most of Saturday afternoon and evening, causing chaos. Police Officers kept sending people in two directions to cross the River Thames. Pedestrians were told to go to the Hampton Wick station to cross the river using Trains. Motorists as well as cyclists were told to use Hampton Bridge.
Just an hour after closing the bridge we noticed a private initiative - a fast dinghy boat offered a ferry-type service taking people from one bank to another for £1 per head. £££ fast thinking.

If you were stuck or you have more info about this incident please post your information here.       


our leading article - Kingston Bridge death Investigation

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Re: Kingston Bridge Closed for Several Hours (19th Apr 09 at 10:47pm UTC)
Thanks to niki-g we now know more about this unfortunate accident. Thank you for explanation what happened. Please find below Air Ambulance unusual take off from the bridge and couple of pictures from Kingston-upon-Thames taken on that day 

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Re: Kingston Bridge Closed for Several Hours (20th Apr 09 at 11:12am UTC)
i am very lucky that i wasn't in kingston on saturday,
not just because of traffic and how horrible the accident was but because the boy who died is quite a close friend of mine.
it came as sucha shock to learn that he had died and in such a horrible way.
i also heard that he did not die on the bridge, he died in the air ambulance.
but like stated above, i would appreciate it and im sure everyone who knew him would too if you didnt post pictures of the accident.
i'd like to remember him the way he always was, thankyou.

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Re: Kingston Bridge Closed for Several Hours (20th Apr 09 at 11:49am UTC)
i am very lucky that i wasn't in kingston on saturday,
not just because of traffic and how horrible the accident was but because the boy who died is quite a close friend of mine.
it came as sucha shock to learn that he had died and in such a horrible way.
i also heard that he did not die on the bridge, he died in the air ambulance.
but like stated above, i would appreciate it and im sure everyone who knew him would too if you didnt post pictures of the accident.
i'd like to remember him the way he always was, thankyou.

 I'm really sorry to hear that, my thoughts are with you and his other loved ones. Such a tragic and unnessessary death {Sad} ...
I think the photos that have been posted so far are acceptable and i too agree that anything deemed unacceptable should be removed immeditately.. And i'm sure the moderators of this forum will do so if needed.
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Re: Kingston Bridge Closed for Several Hours (20th Apr 09 at 1:50pm UTC)
I visited Kingston on Thames for the first time on Saturday.  I had just walked under the bridge when I heard the accident.  I didn't see anything, but I can't stop thinking about this poor guy and his family and friends.  So very sorry.  Please please do not post photographs, we do not wish to see them and his family and friends need their privacy.  So sad.

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Re: Kingston Bridge Closed for Several Hours (20th Apr 09 at 2:41pm UTC)
First of all, peace be with this young man   
This event was a horrible, sad accident which we all want to avoid in the future. Anonymous; , aj999 - guys please make sure this is a very well respected website. I am a publisher on this forum and I will make sure content here is community friendly. I will simply remove ASAP all the posts and content which is not respecting human dignity.  
We are community based website and we always want to avoid stepping into private areas in such a tragedy. The bridge was closed and we had an unusual rescue action taking place on the bridge on the front of thousands of Kingston residents and visitors eyes. This incident affected most of the Kingston visitors on that day.   
Please make sure we respect private aspect of this accident, we would never allow to publish here content which would affect family and friends.  
All the photographs which you can see on show rescue action from a distance and there is no photographs of a sensitive nature and this is not what we would ever look for as we are not commercial news service. We hope that an event like this will be remembered by the people of Surrey... and the next person to break the speed limit will remember that day and the view of this bridge with air ambulance and police officers...   
Please remember there is a reason for 30mph

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